EasyOne Sky

Guided Spirometry with Coach Buddy 

Simplified High-Quality Spirometry

Introducing EasyOne Sky – a revolutionary spirometry solution. The EasyOne Sky simplifies spirometry for clinicians with a guided coach and user-friendly interface, streamlining the testing process to help save valuable time.  Say goodbye to challenging spirometry procedures and hello to Buddy, your spirometry coach. Buddy is designed to transform spirometry into a more enjoyable experience for patients and to streamline the process for healthcare providers – lowering the hurdle for high-quality spirometry. Let EasyOne Sky transform spirometry testing into a seamless and enjoyable part of patient care.

EasyOne Sky Features:

  • TrueFlow Technology:
    Calibration-free ultrasound technology provides precise and reliable lung function measurements. 
  • Guided Spirometry with Buddy:
    Buddy demonstrates test maneuvers and provides immediate feedback for precise results. 
  • EasyOne Mobile Desktop Application:
    A user-friendly software solution, offering essential spirometry functionality and the nddCloud for secure data storage. 
  • Seamless EMR Integration:
    Securely connect to healthcare platforms and EHR/EMR systems with the nddCloud. 

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